The album was released in autumn 1971 as the very first disc on the underground rock label Spiegelei, recorded in the then well-known Maschen Studio in Hamburg from 19 to 21 July 1971. The magazine Musik Express, praised the record and attested the band a surprising (positive) result, especially through the use of the 'hard' German language and underlined their statements, ranging from 'Konsumgewäsch' to the 'Lied vom Ende', with aggressive rock, which in some passages is reminiscent of the early Spooky Tooth. 'Son My', with more than 11 minutes the longest track on the LP, shows a self-contained group that does not find it difficult to express themselves musically. Massive organ passages with a flute voice flying along set the main accents in the piece. A frightful mood is created by back coupling and other technical means. 'Staub auf deinem Haar' is a title that deals with environmental destruction, or more precisely, musically recreates the devastating situation. A wah-wah guitar exploits the possibilities at its disposal, but without engaging fully. The best impression was given by the musical trilogy 'Das Lied vom Ende'. The beginning is set with baroque instrumentation. Afterwards, the violin joins the rhythm instruments and symbolises with its speed how the end is approaching. It is the song of the end, and one must accept it.
Eulenspygel carried that certain underground German 70's vibe with homemade organ grinds, heavy bass and guitar overlays with heavier vocals. The careful mix of jazz, fusion, prog and rock were pretty cleverly arranged and mixed with great imagination, color and tempo shifts.
Fans of Krautrock will need to have this album in their collection. Remastered! Album comes with original cover reproduction with comprehensive 4-sided cover sized insert sheet with bandstory, lyrics and rare pics.
A Must!
Klang und Kleid is the only source in Switzerland to purchase Long Hair and Garden of Delights Records (check out for more in our Kraut Beaters, Rock, Swiss Progressive and Progressive sections!)
Titel: 2 Label: Long Hair
Stil: Kraut Beaters
Best-Nr.: LHC-275
Typ: LP
Preis: 28.- CHF
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A1 Till 3:45
A2 Son My (My Lay) 11:14
A3 Konsumgewäsche 4:03
B1 Staub Auf Deinem Haar 7:58
B2 Die Wunde Bleibt 1:58
Das Lied Vom Ende (10:15)
B3a Erstens
B3b Alt
B3c Jung Sein
B3d Hastig Und Kaputt
B3e Das Ende Vom Lied
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Weitere Platten zum Musikstil Kraut Beaters
Weitere Platten von EULENSPYGEL
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